Friday, October 15, 2010

Task #6


In my e-value-ation of myself in the game, and the game in me, I found myself searching for a way to be compassionate towards myself. Also, where I did and didn’t risk stepping outside my comfort zone – and risk “heartbreak” in the face of showing up fully as I am, right now with my strengths and weaknesses. I notice now that I thought about the game within the realm of my relationships alot: to myself, others, society, government, etc. However, when it came time to create a project, I found more difficulty and resistance in myself. The game definitely gave a narrative to what I was doing traveling for a month, and I learned a lot about my fears and judgements that keep me from actively supporting myself and others in REALize our dreams.
Overall I was filled with gratitude often for this and found it provided me with tons of inner transformation and the challenge of having positive impact that is real and tangible. I found myself joyfully stretching my boundaries and creativity muscles in light of this project. I’ve also learned that continuing to take action from a place of gratitude, making life right, and joy in the face of pitfalls IS the destination, and that fear and inertia is to be honored and looked at! They hold great power and breakthrough for us, once we finally sit down at the table with them for a talk.
Oh boy! Here comes the next cycle-the next game! I think I'll try adding 1/2 tsp more Joy this time.

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